Why did I do this? Well, do not count the fact that I am totally crazy and like to push myself to the limits. I did this to help fight against MS. A dear family I know is right now fighting this battle. A father, husband and all around great person inspired me to try to make a difference. So with the help of some very generous people who made donations, I raised money, trained, and cycled. A big thank you to all my friends for making a difference.
So here is my report:
At 5:30 am I woke up and started my prerace routine. Ate p-nut butter & jelly sandwich, drank coffee, put on sunscreen and off I went.
Got to the start at 6:30 am and pumped up the tires and got the bike ready to make the trek....Ha Ha...my bike is a Trek.

After leaving this stop, my main memory is almost drowning because of all the water coming from the road! I was soaking wet and very sandy! But this did not last long. I was behind Ricky and he was BOOKING! So I just let him pull me.
Around mile 41, we stopped at 1st lunch! I ate some more p-nut butter and took a picture of myself.
Around mile 58, we stopped at 2nd lunch! LOVE all the lunches! Here we had to wait in a LONG line! I called Matt to let him know we were over 1/2 way finished. Then we all had a wonderful lunch provided by wonderful volunteers.
Then we were off again! Mile 70 something we saw Capt. Jack Sparrow. Well a cardboard stand up of him anyway. Ricky and I had to have a picture.
Between this stop and the next one I loose energy! I think WOW I still have about 30 miles to go, how will I finish. So we stop, stretch, eat some more and start riding again. This is about mile 80 something. This is just what I needed. I felt alot better. I think we stop 1 more time.

Will I do it again? Oh Yeah! 100 miles.....so cool!

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