It's funny, I ran this race last year as part of the Grand Prix Series. I came to it ready to compete. I finished in 23:32 and came in 7th in my AG. However, today was different. I got to run this race with one of the most important people in my life, my daughter. As sappy as this sounds, I have watched her change as she starts to train for cross country. She started out timid with her team.....and I can understand why. She is the youngest and only 7th grader on the team. But as she trains, I see her confidence build. It is a wonderful thing that she is learning. If you can push though the pain of a run, you can tackle anything in life,

We start running.......
The plan is is to run 4 minutes walk 1 minute. Abigayle's goal is to have a good attitude no matter how hard it gets.

Abigayle looks at me and says......remember what Joe says! She is referring to some advice Joe Sauerbrey gave me when getting ready to run a Myrtle Beach for a Boston Qualifying time. He told me, "When it starts to hurt, run faster". What a proud moment! =-) However, like me, Abigayle's tummy can only take so much....so we have to go to a run 2 minutes run 1 so she can finish the race.

She passes the finish line and she took 6 minutes off her last 5k time. WOOT!
My buddies Sommer, Ross, Tim, Kris and Tim's nephew ran FAST! I also got to see my buddy Chad from high school. He ran it in 21 minutes and is going to qualify for Boston in October! So here is a shout out for him! Hal will be his coach too!=-)
Way to go girl! You are inspiring me to keep trying Abigayle! You are doing great! :)
wish i could like it enough to do it... or is it do it until you like it?!
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