Today I ran the 5th race in the Grand Prix series. Like the others, this race had the potential to keep me at 3rd or drop me. So I was a bit anxious.
I have ran this course several times in training. I ran it a few weeks ago in 32 minutes AFTER running 8 miles. So I expected my time to be around 30 minutes. My goal was 30 or under.
The Morning of:
I have to figure out something other than PB&J to eat on race morning. I have learned that my nerves are killing my eating anything just makes me feel sick. So I normally do not get the nutrition I need to race. So if anyone has some suggestions for a good prerace drink...let me know.
So I got up at 0500, prayed, read my Bible, and tried to eat. I could only get 1/4th of the PB&J down. My sweet hubby and best scream teamer came with me today. So we loaded up the car and at 0637 we were off. We also brought our JRT with us. She loves the races....she could beat everyone.
The Race!
What can I say? It was hilly. I personally don't think it was as bad as the 1st 4 miler of the series, but My friend Debbie does not agree. I also think the weather was good...I mean for July. It could have been bad.
But anywho...back to the race.
MILE 1 - I started at the front. That means I really did not have to fight to pass people, but it seemed that EVERYONE passed me. The 1st mile, and I am not lying, was totally uphill. However, it was over b/4 I knew it. I thought I had started out slower, but as I passed the 1st clock it said 7:26. Opps!
Mile 2 was almost all down hill. As we were running DOWN East Blvd, I thought, this should be easier. Then I passed the mile marker and saw my time. Mile 2 was in 7:24. This means I hit mile 2 at 14:50.
Mile 3 was totally up hill again. I thought I was pushing but apparently I wasn't. I finished mile 3 in 7:51 (I am at 22:42 for a total time.) I briefly thought that I wished this was a 5k...I would only have .11 to go. STOP THAT! Pain is fear leaving the body....I'm afraid!
Mile 4 was mostly down so I started booking it. Then I started gagging....OH NO! I started feeling that PB&J coming back to I slowed down a bit. Several girls passed me but I knew it was better to slow than to have to stop to puke. I rounded the corner and saw the finish.

Matt took this picture of me as I was getting ready to cross the finish line. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, but had to keep my eye on the finish. This mile, even with the slowing as not to barf, was 7:35.
Total time was 30:18 chip time.
Gun time: 30:20 (7:35 ave pace)
7th in my AG out of 62
37th female out of 283
202nd finisher out of 678

After finishing I just needed a cool drink! Do you think they would mind if I jumped in that ice pool? Better not.

I just hope this drink stays down!
Matt and I went and ran 3 more miles. Then went home to pack for Disney! WOOT!
I regret not pushing harder on the 2nd mile. I think I could have broken 30 minutes. But that will be for another day. I am faster now. My last 4 miler I ran with a 7:50 that's cool. However, not fast enough to place in my AG!
You are so out of control! I'm proud of you girl! You work hard and you deserve the success! (BTW, your 4 miler is 1:30 faster than my 5k time. LOL. That's kind of embarrassing, but I guess I still love you...)
Good run. I did not know you were running this until I saw your car. We were leaving to run 3 more miles where I could not keep up with Matt doing a 10 MPM pace. I almost passed out...but that is another story for another day.
Hope to c-ya at the next run. Heat slows me down too.
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